Configuración en weewx.conf:
# FTP'ing the results to a webserver is treated as just another report,
# albeit one with an unusual report generator!
skin = Ftp
# If you wish to use FTP, set "enable" to "true", then
# fill out the next four lines.
# Use quotes around passwords to guard against parsing errors.
enable = true
server =
user = userxxx
password = "xxxxxxxxx"
path = /public_html/meteogodella/
# Set to True for an FTP over TLS (FTPS) connection. Not all servers
# support this.
secure_ftp = true
# To upload files from something other than what HTML_ROOT is set
# to above, specify a different HTML_ROOT here.
HTML_ROOT = /home/weewx/public_html/belchertown
port = 21
# Set to 1 to use passive mode, zero for active mode
passive = 1