« en: 10 de Marzo del 2016, 18:16:47 pm »
Este es el fichero etc/weewx/weewx.conf:
# This section is for a Davis VantagePro2, VantageVue or WeatherLinkIP
# Connection type: serial or ethernet
# serial (the classic VantagePro)
# ethernet (the WeatherLinkIP)
# type = serial
# If the connection type is serial, a port must be specified:
# Debian, Ubuntu, Redhat, Fedora, and SuSE:
# /dev/ttyUSB0 is a common USB port name
# /dev/ttyS0 is a common serial port name
# BSD:
# /dev/cuaU0 is a common serial port name
# port = /dev/ttyUSB0
# If the connection type is ethernet, an IP Address/hostname is required:
# host =
# The rest of this section rarely needs any attention.
# You can safely leave it "as is."
# Serial baud rate (usually 19200)
baudrate = 19200
# TCP port (when using the WeatherLinkIP)
tcp_port = 22222
# TCP send delay (when using the WeatherLinkIP):
tcp_send_delay = 1
# The id of your ISS station (usually 1)
iss_id = 1
# How long to wait for a response from the station before giving up (in
# seconds; must be greater than 2)
timeout = 5
# How long to wait before trying again (in seconds)
wait_before_retry = 3
# How many times to try before giving up:
max_tries = 5
# The driver to use:
# driver = weewx.drivers.vantage
# This section is for the Oregon Scientific WMR100
# The station model, e.g., WMR100, WMR100N, WMRS200
model = WMR100
# How long a wind record can be used to calculate wind chill (in seconds)
stale_wind = 30
# The driver to use:
# driver = weewx.drivers.wmr100
# This section is for the Oregon Scientific WMR200
# The station model, e.g., WMR200, WMR200A, Radio Shack W200
model = WMR200
# The driver to use:
# driver = weewx.drivers.wmr200
# This section is for the Oregon Scientific WMR918/968
# Connection type. For now, 'serial' is the only option.
type = serial
# Serial port such as /dev/ttyS0, /dev/ttyUSB0, or /dev/cuaU0
port = /dev/ttyUSB0
# The station model, e.g., WMR918, Radio Shack 63-1016
# model = WMR968
# The driver to use:
# driver = weewx.drivers.wmr9x8
# This section is for the Fine Offset series of weather stations.
# The station model, e.g., WH1080, WS1090, WS2080, WH3081
model = PCE FWS-20
# The polling mode can be PERIODIC or ADAPTIVE
# polling_mode = PERIODIC
polling_mode = ADAPTIVE
# How often to poll the station for data, in seconds
# Este parametro es innecesario si usamos ADAPTIVE
# polling_interval = 60
# The pressure calibration offset, in hPa (millibars)
pressure_offset = 1
# The driver to use:
driver = weewx.drivers.fousb