« en: 14 de Octubre del 2020, 08:53:45 am »
Bueno es algo anterior, salió el 9 de abril en la Version 3.5.0 - Build 3071.
Yo el tema lo tenía aparcado, pero como estoy ahora inmerso en poner energia fotovoltaica, esta opción me vendría bien desarrollarla con un servidor Home Assistant para reaccionar según la temperatura exterior, hablando de calefacción claro está.
La única mini-explicación que he encontrado:
Cumulus now has the ability to upload data to MQTT brokers. The configuration for this is found in Settings|InternetSettings|MQTT.
There you configure the server name (and port), username and password - currently CMX does not support advanced authentication options.
There are two upload options...
Send message on data update - This will send a message every time data is received from your station - useful if you need real-time data e.g. wind speed/direction.
Note the interval depends on your station, it could be as short as every 2.5 seconds for Davis stations, or even sub 1 second for Instromet!
Send messages at fixed intervals - As it says, specify an interval in seconds to perform the uploads. It defaults to 600 secs = 10 minutes.
Both these options allow you to specify the MQTT topic name, and the name of template file to be used to construct the messages.
The default template files are called mqtt/MQTT
Cumulus now has the ability to upload data to MQTT brokers. The configuration for this is found in Settings|InternetSettings|MQTT.
There you configure the server name (and port), username and password - currently CMX does not support advanced authentication options.
There are two upload options...
Send message on data update - This will send a message every time data is received from your station - useful if you need real-time data e.g. wind speed/direction.
Note the interval depends on your station, it could be as short as every 2.5 seconds for Davis stations, or even sub 1 second for Instromet!
Send messages at fixed intervals - As it says, specify an interval in seconds to perform the uploads. It defaults to 600 secs = 10 minutes.
Both these options allow you to specify the MQTT topic name, and the name of template file to be used to construct the messages.
The default template files are called mqtt/DataUpdateTemplate.txt and mqtt/IntervalTemplate.txt. The templates can be any format you like, and use the normal web tags to substitue data. The supplied demo files contain some simple JSON formatted data to get you started and mqtt/IntervalTemplate.txt. The templates can be any format you like, and use the normal web tags to substitue data. The supplied demo files contain some simple JSON formatted data to get you started"
Dentro de mi limitado inglés, entiendo que probablemente tendremos que procesar los dos ficheros mqtt/DataUpdateTemplate.txt y mqtt/IntervalTemplate.txt como otros con etiquetas. Tengo en teoría el servidor MQTT particular puesto, pero no veo que haya mensajes.
A ver si avanzo y os lo comparto.