# Copyright (c) 2009-2019 Tom Keffer <tkeffer@gmail.com>
# See the file LICENSE.txt for your rights.
# This section is for general configuration information.
# Set to 1 for extra debug info, otherwise comment it out or set to zero
debug = 0
# Root directory of the weewx data file hierarchy for this station
# Whether to log successful operations
log_success = True
# Whether to log unsuccessful operations
log_failure = True
# How long to wait before timing out a socket (FTP, HTTP) connection
socket_timeout = 20
# Do not modify this. It is used when installing and updating weewx.
version = 3.9.2
# This section is for information about the station.
# Description of the station location
location = La Manga del Mar Menor
# Latitude and longitude in decimal degrees
latitude = 37.64
longitude = -0.71
# Altitude of the station, with unit it is in. This is downloaded from
# from the station if the hardware supports it.
altitude = 5, meter
# Set to type of station hardware. There must be a corresponding stanza
# in this file with a 'driver' parameter indicating the driver to be used.
station_type = Vantage
# If you have a website, you may specify an URL
#station_url =
http://www.example.com # The start of the rain year (1=January; 10=October, etc.). This is
# downloaded from the station if the hardware supports it.
rain_year_start = 1
# Start of week (0=Monday, 6=Sunday)
week_start = 6
# This section is for the Davis Vantage series of weather stations.
# Connection type: serial or ethernet
# serial (the classic VantagePro)
# ethernet (the WeatherLinkIP or Serial-Ethernet bridge)
type = serial
# If the connection type is serial, a port must be specified:
# Debian, Ubuntu, Redhat, Fedora, and SuSE:
# /dev/ttyUSB0 is a common USB port name
# /dev/ttyS0 is a common serial port name
# BSD:
# /dev/cuaU0 is a common serial port name
port = /dev/ttyUSB0
# If the connection type is ethernet, an IP Address/hostname is required:
host =
# The rest of this section rarely needs any attention.
# You can safely leave it "as is."
# Serial baud rate (usually 19200)
baudrate = 19200
# TCP port (when using the WeatherLinkIP)
tcp_port = 22222
# TCP send delay (when using the WeatherLinkIP):
tcp_send_delay = 0.5
# The id of your ISS station (usually 1). If you use a wind meter connected
# to a anemometer transmitter kit, use its id
iss_id = 1
# How long to wait for a response from the station before giving up (in
# seconds; must be greater than 2)
timeout = 4
# How long to wait before trying again (in seconds)
wait_before_retry = 1.2
# How many times to try before giving up:
max_tries = 4
# Vantage model Type: 1 = Vantage Pro; 2 = Vantage Pro2
model_type = 2
# The driver to use:
driver = weewx.drivers.vantage
# This section is for the weewx weather station simulator
# The time (in seconds) between LOOP packets.
loop_interval = 2.5
# The simulator mode can be either 'simulator' or 'generator'.
# Real-time simulator. Sleep between each LOOP packet.
mode = simulator
# Generator. Emit LOOP packets as fast as possible (useful for testing).
#mode = generator
# The start time. Format is YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM. If not specified, the default
# is to use the present time.
#start = 2011-01-01T00:00
# The driver to use:
driver = weewx.drivers.simulator
# This section is for uploading data to Internet sites
# To register this weather station with weewx, set this to true
register_this_station = false
# This section is for configuring posts to AWEKAS.
# If you wish to do this, set the option 'enable' to true,
# and specify a username and password.
# To guard against parsing errors, put the password in quotes.
enable = false
username = replace_me
password = replace_me
# This section is for configuring posts to CWOP.
# If you wish to do this, set the option 'enable' to true,
# and specify the station ID (e.g., CW1234).
enable = false
station = replace_me
# If this is an APRS (radio amateur) station, uncomment
# the following and replace with a passcode (e.g., 12345).
#passcode = replace_me (APRS stations only)
# This section is for configuring posts to PWSweather.com.
# If you wish to do this, set the option 'enable' to true,
# and specify a station and password.
# To guard against parsing errors, put the password in quotes.
enable = false
station = replace_me
password = replace_me
# This section is for configuring posts to WOW.
# If you wish to do this, set the option 'enable' to true,
# and specify a station and password.
# To guard against parsing errors, put the password in quotes.
enable = false
station = replace_me
password = replace_me
# This section is for configuring posts to the Weather Underground.
# If you wish to do this, set the option 'enable' to true,
# and specify a station (e.g., 'KORHOODR3') and password.
# To guard against parsing errors, put the password in quotes.
enable = false
station = replace_me
password = replace_me
# Set the following to True to have weewx use the WU "Rapidfire"
# protocol. Not all hardware can support it. See the User's Guide.
rapidfire = False
# This section specifies what reports, using which skins, to generate.
# Where the skins reside, relative to WEEWX_ROOT
SKIN_ROOT = /etc/weewx/skins
# Where the generated reports should go, relative to WEEWX_ROOT
HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html/weewx
# The database binding indicates which data should be used in reports.
data_binding = wx_binding
# Whether to log a successful operation
log_success = True
# Whether to log an unsuccessful operation
log_failure = False
# Each of the following subsections defines a report that will be run.
# See the customizing guide to change the units, plot types and line
# colors, modify the fonts, display additional sensor data, and other
# customizations. Many of those changes can be made here by overriding
# parameters, or by modifying templates within the skin itself.
# The SeasonsReport uses the 'Seasons' skin, which contains the
# images, templates and plots for the report.
skin = Seasons
enable = true
# The SmartphoneReport uses the 'Smartphone' skin, and the images and
# files are placed in a dedicated subdirectory.
skin = Smartphone
enable = false
HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html/weewx/smartphone
# The MobileReport uses the 'Mobile' skin, and the images and files
# are placed in a dedicated subdirectory.
skin = Mobile
enable = false
HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html/weewx/mobile
# This is the old "Standard" skin. By default, it is not enabled.
skin = Standard
enable = false
# FTP'ing the results to a webserver is treated as just another report,
# albeit one with an unusual report generator!
skin = Ftp
# If you wish to use FTP, set "enable" to "true", then
# fill out the next four lines.
# Use quotes around passwords to guard against parsing errors.
enable = false
user = replace_me
password = replace_me
server = replace_me # The ftp server name, e.g,
www.myserver.org path = replace_me # The destination directory, e.g., /weather
# Set to True for an FTP over TLS (FTPS) connection. Not all servers
# support this.
secure_ftp = False
# To upload files from something other than what HTML_ROOT is set
# to above, specify a different HTML_ROOT here.
#HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html/weewx
# Most FTP servers use port 21
port = 21
# Set to 1 to use passive mode, zero for active mode
passive = 1
# rsync'ing to a webserver is treated as just another report
skin = Rsync
# If you wish to use rsync, you must configure passwordless ssh using
# public/private key authentication from the user account that weewx
# runs to the user account on the remote machine where the files
# will be copied.
# If you wish to use rsync, set "enable" to "true", then
# fill out server, user, and path.
# The server should appear in your .ssh/config file.
# The user is the username used in the identity file.
# The path is the destination directory, such as /var/www/html/weather.
# Be sure that the user has write permissions on the destination!
enable = false
server = replace_me
user = replace_me
path = replace_me
# To upload files from something other than what HTML_ROOT is set
# to above, specify a different HTML_ROOT here.
#HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html/weewx
# Rsync can be configured to remove files from the remote server if
# they don't exist under HTML_ROOT locally. USE WITH CAUTION: if you
# make a mistake in the remote path, you could could unintentionally
# cause unrelated files to be deleted. Set to 1 to enable remote file
# deletion, zero to allow files to accumulate remotely.
delete = 0
# Various options for customizing your reports.
# The following section sets what unit to use for each unit group.
# NB: The unit is always in the singular. I.e., 'mile_per_hour',
# NOT 'miles_per_hour'
group_altitude = meter # Options are 'foot' or 'meter'
group_degree_day = degree_C_day # Options are 'degree_F_day' or 'degree_C_day'
group_pressure = mbar # Options are 'inHg', 'mmHg', 'mbar', or 'hPa'
group_rain = mm # Options are 'inch', 'cm', or 'mm'
group_rainrate = mm_per_hour # Options are 'inch_per_hour', 'cm_per_hour', or 'mm_per_hour'
group_speed = meter_per_second # Options are 'mile_per_hour', 'km_per_hour', 'knot', or 'meter_per_second'
group_speed2 = meter_per_second2 # Options are 'mile_per_hour2', 'km_per_hour2', 'knot2', or 'meter_per_second2'
group_temperature = degree_C # Options are 'degree_F' or 'degree_C'
# The following section sets the formatting for each type of unit.
centibar = %.0f
cm = %.2f
cm_per_hour = %.2f
degree_C = %.1f
degree_F = %.1f
degree_compass = %.0f
foot = %.0f
hPa = %.1f
hour = %.1f
inHg = %.3f
inch = %.2f
inch_per_hour = %.2f
km_per_hour = %.0f
km_per_hour2 = %.1f
knot = %.0f
knot2 = %.1f
mbar = %.1f
meter = %.0f
meter_per_second = %.1f
meter_per_second2 = %.1f
mile_per_hour = %.0f
mile_per_hour2 = %.1f
mm = %.1f
mmHg = %.1f
mm_per_hour = %.1f
percent = %.0f
second = %.0f
uv_index = %.1f
volt = %.1f
watt_per_meter_squared = %.0f
NONE = " N/A"
# The following section sets the label for each type of unit
day = " day", " days"
hour = " hour", " hours"
minute = " minute", " minutes"
second = " second", " seconds"
NONE = ""
# The following section sets the format for each time scale.
# The values below will work in every locale, but they may not look
# particularly attractive.
hour = %H:%M
day = %X
week = %X (%A)
month = %x %X
year = %x %X
rainyear = %x %X
current = %x %X
ephem_day = %X
ephem_year = %x %X
# Ordinal directions. The last one is for no wind direction
directions = N, NNE, NE, ENE, E, ESE, SE, SSE, S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WNW, NW, NNW, N/A
# The following section sets the base temperatures used for the
# calculation of heating and cooling degree-days.