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Nuevo driver para Netatmo
« en: 29 de Mayo del 2016, 19:01:44 pm »
Para el que quiera probar:!searchin/weewx-user/netatmo/weewx-user/lQIC8WGFdJ0/y1orQhWwKQAJ


there is now a netatmo driver for weewx:

if you have a netatmo, and especially if you have the rain, wind, or additional sensors, please give it a try.

the netatmo provides indoor temperature, indoor humidity, indoor sound level, indoor CO2 level, pressure, outdoor temperature, and outdoor humidity.  with the optional sensors it can also provide wind speed, wind direction, gust speed, gust direction, rainfall, one extra temperature, one extra humidity.

the driver has been tested on a basic netatmo configuration (base station and one t/h module).

the driver uses the api to collect data.  my intent was to have a second mode in which the driver gets data directly from the netatmo.  i've had this sort-of working (its complicated) using a packet capture approach since early 2015.  unfortunately netatmo broke this approach when they started encrypting/obfuscating data sent by the netatmo station (as of firmware version 102, mid-2015).

so until we crack the obfuscation, we're left with approach.

at least its something.

Davis Vantage Vue (sin datalogger) + Orange Pi PC + Weewx

GW2000 + WS90 con Weewx (
WH2650 con WH65 con Home Assistant y Weewx (
GW1000 con WH32 y Home Assistant (
Sensores adicionales: WH31 (3) + WH41