Autor Tema: Plantilla Jachym (Meteotemplate)  (Leído 425271 veces)

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Re:Plantilla Jachym (Meteotemplate)
« Respuesta #300 en: 27 de Septiembre del 2016, 00:23:46 am »

New Plugin - Outlook

Hi guys,
as you might have read already, the WWO forecast page is useless to all users who began using the template after March 2016. I knew there needs to be some replacement for it.

However, I decided to go a step further and developed a new plugin, which I am sure you will like. Think about it as sort of a central place to see what is coming. I personally really like it and I am also quite pleased with the features I was able to add compared to what I developed last year (in the backend for example, the WWO page throws hundreds of notices and errors... which you probably do not even know :D)

I called it simply "outlook". It is divided into several sections, so let me just go through all the features quick:


- Current conditions - this tab simply shows you current conditions from your station as well as from the nearby airport
- Alerts - if there are any alerts issued they will show up as a new tab
- Short-term forecast - 48h forecast with interactive graphs, tables etc.
- Long-term forecast - 7-day detailed forecast with interactive graphs, tables etc.
- Station averages - detailed graphs and tables of the average values for the upcoming days based on history data from your station
- Station extremes - detailed statistics of the extreme values measured in the upcoming days of the year based on your station history
- Almanac - sunrise and sunset times, Moon phase, day/night length for the upcoming days. Also, if any of this is about to come, it will also show up including details and exact time of occurance: main Moon phase transition (quarter, New Moon, Full Moon), lunar eclipse, solar eclipse, season change (solstice, equinox)

General features

- fully localized - including the text forecast, you can choose from over 25 languages
- fully responsive - built using blocks, should display perfectly on smaller screens with possibility to resize graphs by dragging
- graphs are interactive and resizable directly in the browser
- sortable tables with sparkline graphs
- data is cached so after you load it once it should then reload immediately
- Moon icons and season icons adjust based on your hemisphere
- possibility to highlight particular year´s data in the station extremes
- collapsable - i.e. no infinite scrolling
- error handling in case of data is N/A
- icons in graphs, including weather conditions and wind direction arrows

There is really LOT of info, so the best thing to do is to simply have a look and play around with it.

Just couple of extra points to note:

- some of the data uses the Darksky API, you will need an API key for it (free), follow instructions in the Plugin setup
- the station data is cached for 12 hours, however you can hit refresh and refresh the cache at any time. The forecast is updated every 15 minutes and cannot be updated directly from the page because we need to make sure we do not exceed the quota for the free API number of calls
- the Alerts tab sometimes does not show all the alerts (due to various data sources). For this reason, if there are no alerts issued, instead of saying "No alerts", it will completely disappear to make sure we do not mislead the user.
- this page will replace the WWO page and will become part of the core template in Meteotemplate 10.0

Enjoy and let me know if it works just to be sure :-)



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Re:Plantilla Jachym (Meteotemplate)
« Respuesta #301 en: 04 de Octubre del 2016, 21:57:22 pm »

New plugin - Indoor Data

Hi guys,

for quite some time I have been working on this new plugin, which is probably the most extensive so far released plugin. As you have probably guessed from its name, this plugin creates a whole new section on your website with indoor conditions. Unlike the indoor block, this plugin logs the data to a database table, just like your normal weather data and you can therefore display all the tables, graphs, statistics etc.

The table will use the same MySQL database as your alldata table, but it will not be saved in the actual alldata table. This is because not everyone will use this and it would also slow it down, therefore there will be a separate table called "indoor", which is created automatically and logs the data from your indoor sensors. The data saved in this table are:
- data/time
- indoor temperature
- indoor humidity

There is a setting whether you want this to be visible publicly to anyone or only to you as an admin and this can be changed any time.

Data update will use the same 5-minute interval as your normal weather data. It will use the version 9 auto CRON feature. What this means is that if you have already set up the CRON job for the /load/cron.php, you just have to make sure the interval is at 5 minutes at least. But you do not have to set up any other new CRON job for it.
Another great thing is that I have prepared a very flexible import script, which will allow you to import history indoor data from a CSV or a text file. This is something I would like to implement to the core template as well - it has been quite a while since I developed the original CSV import script and so this new one for the indoor data is much better in that it allows you to set the structure of your file rather than having one single accepted format which you had to create for the normal template.
In addition, I have also added a function to import data from Weather Display indoor logs, in which case you basically don´t need to set up almost anything. There is also much better error handling - you first can run a test of the import and you see exactly what would be saved and only if this works, you run the actual import. There is also no need to create the new table, this is done automatically and there is also the reformatting function which will reformat the data if the interval is not 5 minutes.

Now let´s look at the main features:
- visibility - this is very important. In the Plugin settings you select either "private" or "public". If you choose private, all the indoor pages and a link in the menu will only be visible and accessible if you are logged in as an admin. Public obviously means it is visible and accessible to anyone and has a link in the menu. This can also be changed any time, the data is still logged. Just that when you select "private" a function is always called which checks if you are logged in, if not, you are rejected access.
- detailed overall statistics
- interactive graphs
- interactive tables
- daily reports
- monthly reports 
- interval summary
- import history data from TXT file, CSV file or WD indoor log file
- reformat database data
- auto CRON via cron.php
- history visualization
- units automatically
adjusted based on display units specified in main settings or by user
- SmartCaching function

The updates are currently supported from the following SW:
- Weather Display
- Cumulus
- Meteobridge - in this case you need to have the LiveGaugesMB plugin installed as well

I hope you enjoy this and there will be more features added in the future. Also, since this plugin includes many pages, new icons etc. please let me know if you discover any bugs. I have relatively limited possibilities for testing the SW such as Cumulus or WD, so hopefully it will work.

Also make sure you read very carefully the documentation for installation.



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New block - the BEST forecast
« Respuesta #302 en: 11 de Octubre del 2016, 17:14:48 pm »
New Block - ?

Hi guys,

I would like to present to you a new block - I am sure all of you will agree with me, that once you install this and use it, you will always consider it to be the most accurate forecast! You don´t believe me? Well I found an absolute amazing data source, see for yourself!

Include temperatures, precipitation, wind speed and direction, warnings, detailed textual forecast etc etc...

Enjoy :)

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Meteotemplate - IMPORTANT!
« Respuesta #303 en: 12 de Octubre del 2016, 12:43:30 pm »
Hi guys,

I discovered a problem with the block versioning and I would ask you to please install this bug fixes package 9.3, which will also help me because it will substantially decrease the load on my server while loading block versions etc. But there is also another fix in the block versioning so it is not only important for my site.

The download package can be found as always on the downloads page -> section Bug Fixes

Follow the instructions in the Readme file.


Today is the last day when Google Maps will work without providing an API key. If you have not yet created an api key, your maps will stop working as of tomorrow, there is a detailed guide in the wiki how to create the key, it is free.


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Meteotemplate 10.0 Banana - biggest update yet
« Respuesta #304 en: 27 de Octubre del 2016, 15:04:49 pm »

Hi guys,

you might have noticed there has not been many updates recently.... this is because I was intensively preparing version 10. However, I should say that this version also includes many changes I wanted to do long time ago, but never completed so did not include in previous versions.

Meteotemplate 10.0 Banana is a major update, probably the most significant update yet, and this includes not just many new pages and things you will see directly on the page, but majority of the code of the Weather Station section - code that I have written over a year ago, while learning PHP, has been rewritten, optimized and some pages done completely from scratch.

One thing that you will appreciate especially if you are a new user is that I have completely re-written the data import and database update scripts. There are no more WD.php, Cumulus.php, meteobridge.php etc. scripts... there is simply "an update script", "an import script". These now also work totally differently. In previous versions you made a file that was compatible with Meteotemplate for import - now Meteotemplate adjusts based on what your files look like - and so you can now import data and update database with practically any file that contains the necessary information, regardless of its structure.

And in addition, this version finally completed my long-term goal - the database update was the very last thing that still had to be set up in the code itself. Now it uses GUI and is accessible from your control panel. And this therefore means, that unless you want to make specific customizations, you can now install and setup Meteotemplate, setup and install blocks and plugins and do admin actions, without ever seeing the code. And this is also a major advantage for me because it gives much less space for potential errors that people can accidentally make when they for example delete a semi-colon etc.

Some of the new features might look like minor, but they will also save you time - for example the new "remember me" function - stay logged in as an admin even if you close the browser or shut down your PC until you click the log out button, current conditions in header, site search in footer. Your homepage blocks now also have some new features - a new "header block" and "footer block" further extend the layout possibilities, possibility to highlight important blocks, set names for menu blocks. There is lot of new things, so just keep reading and then especially explore it once you have it installed yourself - btw. the update should be very easy.

New/redesigned pages
  • new page: Rain Seasons
    • calculate statistics for “rain season”select month you want as season beginning
    • year comparison and visualizations
    • month averages
    • tables + graphs
    • seasonal graphs
    • graphs resizable
    • graph selection – line/column
    • all month data
    • comparison with absolute station values
    • available also for mobile version
    • DEMO:
  • new page: Day-time Statistics
    • detailed statistics for day-time – select day iterval on the fly (from-to)
    • alltime stats
    • hour averages – graphs, tables
    • monthly averages – graphs, tables, comparison with absolute values and deviations
    • yearly averages – graphs, tables, comparison with absolute values and deviations
    • all-values graph – resizable, zoomable
    • smart caching for very fast loading
    • available also for mobile version
    • DEMO:
  • new page: Night-time Statistics
    • detailed statistics for day-time – select night interval on the fly (from-to)
    • alltime stats
    • hour averages – graphs, tables
    • monthly averages – graphs, tables, comparison with absolute values and deviations
    • yearly averages – graphs, tables, comparison with absolute values and deviations
    • all-values graph – resizable, zoomable
    • smart caching for very fast loading
    • available also for mobile version
    • DEMO:
  • new page/discontinued: Weather Outlook/forecast
    • this page is based on the Outlook plugin. The Outlook plugin is now DISCONTINUED as well as the WWO page! The new forecast/outlook page is now included for all in the core template files
    • added new forecast summary table – see all forecasts in a single table overview
    • available also for mobile version
    • DEMO:
  • new page: Astronomy Calendar
  • daily report
    • complete redesign and code clean up/optimization
    • added station long-term averages to tables and graphs
    • added deviations from long-term station averages to tables and graphs
    • added absolute min/max for station for comparison
    • new “all-data” graph – graph shows all parameters in one graph, you can turn on/off just the ones you want to compare
    • color-underlay in tables for all parameters
    • redesign included for mobile version
    • speed optimization
    • graphs resizable
    • bug fixes – for example, in previous versions, no data showed as “0” in graphs, which completely shifted the axis. Now the graphs simply are blank when there is no value
    • DEMO:
  • monthly report
    • complete redesign and code clean up/optimization
    • new all-parameter graph – all parameters in one graph
    • new “almanac” section with month calendar, moon phases, sun rise/set
    • added to graphs and tables: comparison with long-term station
    • added to graphs and tables: deviation from long-term averages
    • added to graphs and tables: absolute min/max
    • redesign included for mobile version
    • color-underlay in tables for all parameters
    • graphs resizable
    • bug fixes – see daily reports, correctly shift months when the first month in database is not January (previously showing January in all cases…)
    • DEMO:
  • yearly report
  • station climate/statistics
    • complete redesign and optimization – all parameters now handled by 1 script – much easier code management and speed
    • added station averages to tables
    • added deviations from long-term station averages to tables
    • added absolute min/max for station for comparison
  • trends
    • redesign and optimization
    • all parameters now handled by just one script
    • now for mobile version as well
    • code clean up, bug fixes (same features, 95% less code…)
New features for blocks
  • block highlighting – in homepage setup you can choose which blocks you want to be highlighted (different background color based on your color theme), works for mobile version as well
  • header block – you can now select one block which will be right at the top and span the whole width of the page regardless of how many columns you have – ideal for gauges for example and no need to use single-column layout and multiple blocks, just put header block at the top and have 3 columns below, works for mobile version as well
  • footer block – the same as above, but this time a block spanning the whole width of the page at the very bottom below all other blocks, works for mobile version as well
  • menu block names – you can now specify names for menu blocks. This is optional. If you specify a name, it will be shown at the top of the menu block below the blocks menu selector, the template will also try to translate this name if it is available in the language strings, if not, it will show it as specified, works for mobile version as well
New features
  • show current conditions in the header – in the Main settings you can now specify if you want to enable this. If yes then you will see the current conditions on every page directly in the header below the flag icon. The values iterate automatically and you can specify the interval for the change to another parameter. Works also for mobile version.
  • site search – you can now include a search for your whole site in the footer! This can be enabled/disabled in the Main settings. For this to work you will need a Google API key, instructions included in the Main settings file.
  • new feature – insert custom image background to header for mobile version (setup in Main settings)
  • new features for you as an admin
    • “remember me” feature – select this and you will stay logged in as an admin even if you close the browser or shut down the computer, until you log out. This feature uses cookies and the currently most sophisticated encryption available (B-crypt)
  • new Import pages – now accessible via cPanel directly
    • any software -> one import file
    • you can now import data to the database from practically any file or WU. You can precisely define the format of the file and it will automatically import it, no need to adjust the format. This allows importing log files from any software.
    • very detailed overview of what exactly is happening during the import to spot any errors (over 200 possible messages based on what is happening)
    • possibility to “test import” to see if correct values will be saved to db
    • possibility to set the time span for WU import (for slow servers importing by month was a problem, in contrast, on faster servers you can now set longer intervals for import at once)
Bug fixes/optimizations/minor changes
    • naming standardization – at the beginning I simply called the files whatever I just first came up with, so some pages were renamed to respect the naming convention of the rest of the template
      eg: daily_report -> reportDaily
      annual_report -> reportYearly
  • station/pages/calendar.php
    Bug fixes, optimizations, CSS tweaks
  • station warnings icons moved inside the header to save valuable space below the header
  • climate pages – optimization, CSS tweaks, redesign
  • interactive graph – prevent graph from not loading when there is no data available for selected period
  • alldata table now created automatically when testing MySQL in Main settings
  • possibility to test emails – mail server must be correctly configured on the server for emails to work, you can now test directly in Main settings, if notifications and plugins using emails will work for you
  • footer code clean up – previously included all days available in the db in the code for day report selection, now handled by separate script
  • prevent the settings block showing “opened” below the footer if db empty
  • removed all PHP notices caused by the METAR script
  • few new icons
  • fixed “sun theme” issue
  • new spinner
  • liveData - fixed issue with total rain not showing
Depracted pages:
  • all update pages (WD, WView, WU, Cumulus - replaced by update.php)
  • all import pages (CSV, WU, WD, Cumulus - replaced by import.php)
  • worldweatheronline.php - replaced with outlook
Depracted plugin:
  • outlook - now part of main template files with even more features
Update Instructions

In the blog

As always - the first person to do the update, please let me know, once Im sure it is ok I will send out emails to people about the new version.

E N J O Y !!!!!

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Re:Plantilla Jachym (Meteotemplate)
« Respuesta #305 en: 27 de Octubre del 2016, 21:28:09 pm »
Greetings Jachym

What this has come the examination?.


Your new creations are very very good.  :D :D

I will install and watch them carefully.

Saludos desde San Sebastián
« Última modificación: 27 de Octubre del 2016, 21:54:59 pm por kocher »

“La mente es como un paracaídas… Solo funciona si la tenemos abierta”.

“La formulación de un problema, es más importante que su solución”.

“Si buscas resultados diferentes, no hagas siempre lo mismo" . -Albert Einstein-

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Re:Plantilla Jachym (Meteotemplate)
« Respuesta #306 en: 27 de Octubre del 2016, 23:47:58 pm »
Hi Javier,
yeah, I passed the exam last Friday :-) Last one is in spring :-) So far so good, I have 3 out of four finished with A, A and B :-)

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Re:Plantilla Jachym (Meteotemplate)
« Respuesta #307 en: 27 de Octubre del 2016, 23:52:39 pm »
 Congratulations  apla3

“La mente es como un paracaídas… Solo funciona si la tenemos abierta”.

“La formulación de un problema, es más importante que su solución”.

“Si buscas resultados diferentes, no hagas siempre lo mismo" . -Albert Einstein-

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300 users + new page
« Respuesta #308 en: 29 de Octubre del 2016, 13:47:38 pm »
Hi guys,

it is almost unbelievable, but there are already 300 of you Meteotemplate users. Exactly 501 days ago when I first released it I expected there would be maybe 5-10 people interested and that after a few weeks everyone, including me, will forget about it. Well, things evolved differently, I am really glad that most of you seem to enjoy this and I do too. Just a few numbers…

There are:
- 300 users
- from 39 countries
- currently 22 languages
- 501 days since first release

And to “celebrate” the new milestone I created a new page, nothing really special, but just a different visualization of where you are 😀

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Re:Plantilla Jachym (Meteotemplate)
« Respuesta #309 en: 29 de Octubre del 2016, 21:31:48 pm »
I made the template update to version 10.0 Banana

Following the instructions of Jachym, everything went well  :D


He realizado la actualización de la plantilla a la versión 10.0 Banana

Siguiendo las instrucciones de Jachym, todo ha ido bien

“La mente es como un paracaídas… Solo funciona si la tenemos abierta”.

“La formulación de un problema, es más importante que su solución”.

“Si buscas resultados diferentes, no hagas siempre lo mismo" . -Albert Einstein-

Desconectado Juan Maria Vilaro

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Re:Plantilla Jachym (Meteotemplate)
« Respuesta #310 en: 01 de Noviembre del 2016, 15:55:24 pm »
Hola Kocher, yo tambien he actualizado a Meteotemplate 10.0, funcionando correctamente, pero te agradecería si es posible me orientaras como subir a la base de datos los Log Files del historial creados por el Weather Display, ya que ahora en la carpeta Admin(Data Import) no acabo de comprender que tipo de formato datatime tengo que seleccionar (en general necesito ayuda de como importar correctamente en la versión actual)
con versiones anteriores ne tenia ningun problema. Muchas gracias

Juan Mª

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Re:Plantilla Jachym (Meteotemplate)
« Respuesta #311 en: 01 de Noviembre del 2016, 20:02:03 pm »
Saludos Juan Mª

Si, por lo que sea, se ha producido un error, puedes volver a la versión anterior (siempre que hayas hecho un backup)

Yo he llevado a cabo una actualización de la plantilla; es decir, no la he instalado ""desde cero". No utilizo el update.php

The new script for updates is very useful, but only to NEW USERS!
El nuevo script para actualizaciones es muy útil, ¡pero solo para NUEVOS USUARIOS!

« Última modificación: 01 de Noviembre del 2016, 20:04:36 pm por kocher »

“La mente es como un paracaídas… Solo funciona si la tenemos abierta”.

“La formulación de un problema, es más importante que su solución”.

“Si buscas resultados diferentes, no hagas siempre lo mismo" . -Albert Einstein-

Desconectado Juan Maria Vilaro

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Re:Plantilla Jachym (Meteotemplate)
« Respuesta #312 en: 01 de Noviembre del 2016, 20:26:42 pm »
Hola Kocher, quizas no me he explicado bien, yo tampoco utilizo el Update.php de la nueva plantilla, sino que utilizo el antiguo de la 9.0, pero no es esta la consulta, veràs, tengo un compañero que antes, debido a que cierra su PC por la noche y lo pone en marcha por la  mañana, tiene la necesidad de subir a la base de datos toda la información de la noche hasta que de nuevo arranca el PC, momento en que el dataloguer le ingresa en el Wdisplay estos datos, hasta ahora  wdimport, hacia este cometido, pero en la versión 10.0 hay que acceder a Admin, dentro de este hay Data Import (CSV, txt, etc) y es aqui que no cabo de entendor como hacerlo, ni el ni yo, he preguntado a Jachym pero nuestro ingles es el del traductor de Google y no nos entiende bien, recomendandome que contactemos contigo, ya que seguramente nos podrias ayudar, yo afortunadamente no necesito hacerlo, pero intento ayudar a mi compañero, se trata de subir el LogFiles (Ej. 112016lg) lo renombramos a txt como antes, 201611.txt, lo subimos a la plantilla a Install, vamos a admin, dataimport, le ponemos la dirección del Path, pero luego no entendemos el formato de fecha que se debe poner.
He intentado explicar, y me he extendido en demasia, ruego disculpes.


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Re:Plantilla Jachym (Meteotemplate)
« Respuesta #313 en: 01 de Noviembre del 2016, 20:31:07 pm »

Tu plantilla funciona correctamente sin problemas.

La verdad es que, lo que me preguntas, me lo tengo que mirar ya que no utilizo esa nueva opción.

En cuanto sepa algo, te lo digo

Saludos desde San Sebastián

“La mente es como un paracaídas… Solo funciona si la tenemos abierta”.

“La formulación de un problema, es más importante que su solución”.

“Si buscas resultados diferentes, no hagas siempre lo mismo" . -Albert Einstein-

Desconectado Juan Maria Vilaro

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Re:Plantilla Jachym (Meteotemplate)
« Respuesta #314 en: 01 de Noviembre del 2016, 20:33:37 pm »
Gracias, seguro que sabrás entender mucho mejor que yo, solo me manejo con Google en ingles y soy un desastre.