Pues da la casualidad de que yo también tengo weewx con la VP2 por ethernet con Virtual VP como distribuidor en otro PC local.
Antes puse en vez de un LOOP un REC que es en el minuto en punto los valores que graba en la base de datos. El LOOP mío es así:
LOOP: 2018-10-28 09:19:35 CET (1540714775) altimeter: 1000.79948705, appTemp: 7.03701489971, barometer: 1001.08406751, cloudbase: 1144.0733127, consBatteryVoltage: 5.04, dateTime: 1540714775, dayET: 0.031, dayRain: 0.0, dewpoint: 3.12114718639, extraAlarm1: 0, extraAlarm2: 0, extraAlarm3: 0, extraAlarm4: 0, extraAlarm5: 0, extraAlarm6: 0, extraAlarm7: 0, extraAlarm8: 0, extraTemp1: 28.8888888889, extraTemp2: 29.4444444444, extraTemp3: 29.4444444444, forecastIcon: 3, forecastRule: 192, heatindex: 11.3333333333, humidex: 11.3333333333, inDewpoint: 3.34679188704, inHumidity: 44.0, insideAlarm: 0, inTemp: 15.5555555556, leafWet4: 0.0, maxSolarRad: None, monthET: 3.3, monthRain: 3.2000000008, outHumidity: 57.0, outsideAlarm1: 0, outsideAlarm2: 0, outTemp: 11.3333333333, pressure: 986.892944466, radiation: 336.0, rain: None, rainAlarm: 0, rainRate: 0.0, soilLeafAlarm1: 0, soilLeafAlarm2: 0, soilLeafAlarm3: 0, soilLeafAlarm4: 0, stormRain: 0.16000000004, stormStart: 1540591200, sunrise: 1540704420, sunset: 1540743060, trendIcon: 20, txBatteryStatus: 0, usUnits: 16, UV: 0.7, windchill: 11.3333333333, windDir: 317.0, windGust: 14.4841320001, windGustDir: 317.0, windSpeed: 14.4841320001, windSpeed10: 9.65608800006, yearET: 54.18, yearRain: 33.0600000083
Mi driver como el tuyo del 16 de agosto:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 128104 ago 16 18:06 vantage.py
Mi sección de vantage:
# This section is for a Davis VantagePro2, VantageVue or WeatherLinkIP
# Connection type: serial or ethernet
# serial (the classic VantagePro)
# ethernet (the WeatherLinkIP)
type = ethernet
# If the connection type is serial, a port must be specified:
# Debian, Ubuntu, Redhat, Fedora, and SuSE:
# /dev/ttyUSB0 is a common USB port name
# /dev/ttyS0 is a common serial port name
# BSD:
# /dev/cuaU0 is a common serial port name
#port = /dev/ttyAMA0
#port = /dev/ttyUSB0
# If the connection type is ethernet, an IP Address/hostname is required:
host =
# The rest of this section rarely needs any attention.
# You can safely leave it "as is."
# Serial baud rate (usually 19200)
baudrate = 19200
# TCP port (when using the WeatherLinkIP)
tcp_port = 5511
# TCP send delay (when using the WeatherLinkIP):
tcp_send_delay = 1
# The id of your ISS station (usually 1)
iss_id = 1
# How long to wait for a response from the station before giving up (in
# seconds; must be greater than 2)
timeout = 5
# How long to wait before trying again (in seconds)
wait_before_retry = 1.2
# How many times to try before giving up:
max_tries = 4
# The driver to use:
driver = weewx.drivers.vantage
loop_hilo y record_generation lo tienes igual que yo... qué usas ? WeatherLink IP ?