Por algún motivo, en la plantilla llega la precipitación diaria a cero,
*UPD=26/09/2024 17:56:05 UTC
Revisa a ver por qué te está haciendo eso.
No es normal que llegue la plantilla a cero unas veces sí y otras no, incluso que llegue sin ningún dato de precipitación, ni tan siquiera el cero
Activa el Log de errores Cumulus a ver si dice algo.
Te refieres a ésto?:
2024-09-27 01:32:01 - You are not running the latest version of Cumulus MX, build 4028 is available.
2024-09-27 00:21:10 - LoadDayFile: Error at line 726 of data/dayfile.txt : Error at record 1 = "" - Input string was not in a correct format.
2024-09-27 00:21:09 - You are not running the latest version of Cumulus MX, build 4028 is available.
2024-09-27 00:21:08 - LoadDayFile: Error at line 44 of data/dayfile.txt : Error at record 1 = "25/08/22,22,29,12:24,10.7,05:43,28.3,12:57,1018.0,00:04,1021.8,21:59,0.0,00:00,0.0,19.7,47.0,10,16:38,45,13:02,86,06:56,0.00,4.3,28.5,12:57,29.4,12:57,10.2,05:43,0.0,00:00,10.7,05:43,16.5,11:24,7.9,05:43,24,1.7,2.9,996,11:38,9.0,11:32,29.6,12:57,10.7,05:43,32.8,12:57,0.0,0.0,00:00" - Input string was not in a correct format.